The First Tunnel on Jining-Datong-Yuanping High-Speed Railway is Completed
By Chen Hong and Chen Chunyan
大同讯(陈红 陈春燕)5月2日,中铁十二局承建的集(宁)大(同)原(平)高铁北榆隧道贯通,成为全线首座贯通的隧道,为按期建成通车奠定坚实基础。
Datong—On May 2, China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co., Ltd completed Beiyu tunnel which became the first completed one on Jining-Datong-Yuanping high-speed railway, underpinning that the railway will be opened to traffic on schedule.
With a total length of 270.8 km and a designed speed of 250 km per hour, Jining-Datong-Yuanping high-speed railway is an important part of Hohhot-Nanning high-speed railway passage in “Eight Vertical and Eight Horizontal” high-speed railway network in the national medium- and long-term railway network plan. Located in Xinrong District, Datong City, Shanxi Province, the Beiyu tunnel is designed as an 825 meters long tunnel with single-hole and double-line. The tunnel body is shallowly buried, whose minimum depth is only 2.3 meters. The tunnel exit is adjacent to the existing railway lines of Beijing-Baotou railway. The tunnel has a complex geological structure and high construction difficulty. Since the tunnel construction in July 2022, the project team has overcome construction difficulties such as the deformation of the tunnel base, crossing the border of the air-raid shelter control area, and so on, vigorously carried out tunnel mechanization innovation practice, and adopted self-propelled invert hydraulic trestle, intelligent system lining trolley, remote manipulator wet spray machine and other integrated tunnels mechanical equipment, which has improved the construction progress and ensured the tunnel construction quality.
The completion of Beiyu Tunnel on schedule has greatly promoted the construction of Jining-Datong-Yuanping high-speed railway after which is completed and opened to traffic, the national “Eight Vertical and Eight Horizontal” high-speed railway network will be further improved, which is of great significance for the economic development of North China.