Guidelines for Route and Road Surveying Practices and Regulations in Sudan
Kamal Sami; Hadeel Mutasim
Abstract: This research aims to present guidelines to regulate the practice of route survey work by standardizing routes field surveys, processing, quality control, and procedures related to highway surveying works to be carried out by relevant authorities in Sudan. As well as to improve the quality harmonization and provision of geospatial data, that, aid engineering design, construction, and decision-making processes. By establishing a comprehensive executive regulation for implementing the Sudan Survey Works Organization Act, to regulate all routes corridor surveying and mapping performed by the public and private sectors, as, there is a growing awareness of the importance of geomatics activities and measurements on the Earth's surface in space and time, and their usage in design and construction, as well as in observing, and mapping the changes. This means that geospatial data must be captured on time, with more accuracy, and in more detail. One of the main objectives of this paper is to highlight the current situation in Sudan, the degree to which route surveying standards are used, and the problems and errors that arise from not using the standards, taking road surveying practice as a case study. Thus, the investigations mostly traced survey works in all phases of road establishment, starting from route selection, feasibility studies, and engineering designs and ending with the construction and as-built drawings.
Keywords: ASWOA; SSA; WGS84 ITRF2008; GNSS; UTM; DEM