Nokia Selected by the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia to Modernise Rail Communications in Perth with Private Wireless and IP/MPLS Technologies

Nokia has been selected by The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTA) to design, build and maintain a next generation railway communications system over the next decade in Perth.
诺基亚被西澳公共交通管理局 (PTA) 选中, 协助珀斯在未来十年内设计、建造和维护下一代铁路通信系统。
METRONET infrastructure and public transport program is the long-term blueprint for Perth’s future. As a critical element of the METRONET program and as part of the agreement, more than 160 LTE/4.9G radio sites will be built to modernize the railway communication system that includes additional METRONET track and tunnels with a total of 250km of railway. The solution will be based on Nokia private 4.9G/LTE mission-critical IP/MPLS, Data Center Fabric and microwave backhaul solutions, to support a Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) High Capacity Signalling system for greater accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional signalling systems.
Metronet公司的基础设施和公共交通项目绘制了珀斯未来的长期蓝图。作为 Metronet 公司项目的要素和协议的一部分,珀斯将建造 160 多个 LTE/4.9G 无线电站点,以实现铁路通信系统的现代化。该系统包括Metronet公司的附加轨道和总长 250 公里的铁路隧道。此解决方案将基于诺基亚的无线专网 4.9G/LTE 的IP/MPLS骨干网解决方案,依靠数据中心架构和微波回程技术,以支持基于通信的列车自动控制(CBTC)的高容量信令系统。与传统信令系统相比,该系统具有更高的准确性和效率。
Nokia’s solution will be used to upgrade the current PTA’s narrowband rail radio systems, replacing the existing analogue technology with a high-tech 4.9G/LTE digital platform which is necessary for extremely reliable mission critical voice, high-speed data and video services. The Radio System Replacement project is subjected to the Critical Infrastructure Act 2021 with scope to include a full Cyber Security fabric across all solution elements.
诺基亚的解决方案将用于升级当前PTA的窄带轨道无线电系统。该系统用4.9G/LTE 数字平台技术取代现有的模拟技术。对于可信赖的关键任务语音业务、高速数据系统和视频服务功能来说,这是不可或缺的技术。无线电系统更换项目受《2021关键基础设施法案》的约束,其范围包括跨所有解决方案元素的完整网络安全结构。
Nokia has deployed mission-critical networks to more than 2,200 leading enterprise customers in the transport, energy, large enterprise, manufacturing, webscale, and public sector segments around the globe. It has also extended its expertise to more than 485 large private wireless customers worldwide across an array of sectors and has been cited by numerous industry analysts as the leading provider of private wireless networking worldwide. It has worked closely with major railway operators worldwide to bring the benefits of private LTE connectivity and paving the way for the adoption and deployment of Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS).
诺基亚已为全球交通、能源、大型企业、制造、网络规模和公共部门领域的 2,200 多家领先企业客户部署了任务关键型网络。它还将其专业知识扩展到全球多个行业的超过485家大型无线专网客户,并被许多行业分析师誉为全球私人无线网络的领先供应商。它与世界各地的大型铁路运营商密切合作,使其可以连接无线专网LTE,并为采用和部署未来铁路移动通信系统 (FRMCS) 铺平道路。