Memorial Day weekend car shopping is looking ‘pretty bleak.’
Here’s what to expect

One of the best car-shopping weekends pre-pandemic is more of a dud these days.
Amid the auto industry’s manufacturing challenges due to persisting supply-chain issues, Memorial Day sales are generally minimal to nonexistent this year.
“It’s looking pretty bleak, to be straightforward about it,” said Ivan Drury, senior manager of insights for Edmunds. “It’s getting harder and harder for people to get a new car with the features they want at the price they’re willing to pay.”
埃德蒙兹网(Edmunds)富有洞察力的高级经理伊万·德鲁里(Ivan Drury)表示:“坦白说,汽车销售额的确看起来很惨淡,人们想要以合适的价格买到自己心仪的新车变得愈发艰难。”
The average amount paid for new car is more than $45,200, up 18.7% from a year ago, according to a joint forecast from J.D. Power and LMC Automotive. Buyers are paying about $700 above sticker price on average, Drury said.
据君迪(J.D. Power)和LMC汽车公司的预测,人们对新车的平均支付金额超过45,200美元,较去年同期增长18.7%。德鲁里表示,买家平均支付金额高出标价700美元左右。
At the same time, the average incentive offered by dealers has dropped to an all-time low of $1,034, compared with $2,996 a year ago, the J.D. Power/LMC forecast shows. Generally speaking, dealers don’t need to offer much in the way of incentives to sell cars these days.
同时,君迪(J.D. Power)和LMC汽车公司的预测显示,汽车经销商提供的均价优惠降至有史以来最低,为1,034美元,而这一数值一年前为2,996美元。如今,汽车经销商一般不需要提供过高价格优惠来刺激增加汽车销售额。
In fact, despite the pace of sales being down 23.8% from a year ago due to reduced inventory, the average per-car profit at dealerships is $5,046 up from $2,733 a year ago.
作者:Sarah O’Brien