By Lindsay Huth and Tala Salem

DESPITE YEARS OF research and programs to boost minority ridership, bikeshare programs in major cities appear to have made little progress reaching minority users.
Disparities in user participation between some predominantly white and predominantly minority neighborhoods in Chicago, Boston and Washington remain stark in the decade since bikeshare programs emerged on the urban landscape, even as city officials and program administrators have attempted to close the gap.
U.S. News & World Report examined three well-established bike-share programs in urban metropolises: Divvy Bikes in Chicago, Blue Bikes (formerly Hubway) in Boston and Capital Bikeshare in Washington, D.C. and compared rides taken from residential neighborhoods with similar populations. The analysis showed minority bike-share participation is still dwarfed by that of whites in major U.S. cities.
《美国新闻与世界报道》考察过美国大都市中广为人知的三大共享单车:芝加哥的共享自行车(Divvy Bikes)、波士顿的小蓝车(正式用名:Hubway)和华盛顿的首都自行车共享(Capital Bikeshare),并对人口相近的居民区共享自行车骑行情况进行比较。研究表明,在美国的主要城市,少数群体比白人更少使用共享自行车。
The programs in which bicycles are made available via docking stations for riders to take short-term trips from one place to another for a fixed price determined either by membership fees or one-time fees have grown exponentially. Programs are up and running in at least 40 major U.S. cities. But multiple analyses of user data have shown that users generally skew higher income and white.
Early on, observers noted the demographics differences in usage, and some attributed them to the fact that the companies that administer the programs frequently placed docking stations in areas trafficked by tourists in order to to capitalize on daily usage fees or in high-income areas where residents were more likely to afford longer term memberships.
Some have also suggested that newer bike-share programs that involve dockless self-locking bikes have had more diverse users, in part because of their mobility.
But city officials, who often partner with bike-share programs and can determine where docking stations are placed, have worked in recent years to ensure that stations are installed in minority and low-income neighborhoods. Divvy Bikes, Blue Bikes and Capital Bikeshare have all introduced outreach programs to get low-income residents involved, as well.
Divvy Bikes' Divvy For Everyone program provides a one-time $5 annual membership fee, in contrast to the typical $99 annual fee, to qualifying residents. The program also incorporates a cash payment system for those who do not have debit or credit cards. But such assistance has not always been used to maximum effect. The Washington Post reported in 2014 that a federal program meant to cover membership costs in D.C.'s program for 200 qualifying low-income residents only handed out 20 in its first nine months.
共享单车(Divvy Bikes)的“人人共享”项目(Divvy For Everyone)为合格居民用户提供一次性五美元年费服务,而其他普通共享单车项目年费高达99美元。该项目还为没有借记卡或者信用卡的用户安装现金支付系统。然而,这些优惠项目通常难以取得最大化效果。2014年华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)报导,一项为华盛顿200名合格低收入群体提供会员费用的联邦项目在最初的9个月仅仅只有20人参与。
Meanwhile, African-Americans who comprise nearly 30 percent of Chicago's population represented just about 2 percent of Divvy's membership in 2017, according to city officials. The share of white members grew between 2015 and 2017, from approximately 80 to 84 percent.
与此同时,市政府官员表示,在2017年,占芝加哥人口30%的非裔美国人仅占共享单车(Divvy Bikes)会员人数的2%,而会员中白人的比例则从2015的大约80%上升到2017年的84%。