Written byDavid Burroughs

GERMAN Rail (DB) and VTG have released the interim results of the “Innovative Freight Wagon” research project to construct and test lighter, quieter and more energy-efficient freight wagons, with four types of test vehicles completing more than half of the 150,000 test kilometres since coming into operation in March.
DB says the innovations being tested on the flat wagons, container wagons, tank wagons, and car transporter wagons range from the use of new lightweight components to save energy and reduce noise, to new digital modules that optimise wagon operation.
The intermodal wagon has been redeveloped as a container wagon to accommodate the widest possible variety of container combinations, with particular emphasis on a weight-optimised design. The combination of disc brakes and a telematics module also allows longer maintenance intervals and higher availability.
The double-deck car transporter has also achieved a high loading efficiency, especially when transporting tall and heavy vehicles such as SUVs and vans, and is also suitable for the transport of other vehicle types. The wagon has a flexibly adaptable upper loading level and adjustable elements on the lower loading level.
The tank wagon is 2m shorter than existing types (14.4m) while maintaining the same volume (77m3), allowing more wagons per train, which DB says was possible by creating a larger tank diameter using a new material. A variety of combinations of low-noise wheelsets, wheelset coatings and wheel noise absorbers are being trialled on the wagons. The tank wagon also features lighter insulation with lower density.
The six-axle flat wagon has been designed to transport steel products and can carry both slabs and coils as well as containers, removing the need to convert the wagon for the different loads.
“I am pleased with the results of the first measurements,” says federal transport minister Mr Andreas Scheuer. “They show that all wagons clearly undercut the permitted noise limits and save energy. Freight transport by rail may in future be quieter, more energy-efficient and more economical. This is an important step in bringing more goods to rail and increasing the overall acceptance of rail freight.”
“我非常满意第一次测试的结果,”联邦运输部长安德烈亚斯·舍伊尔(Andreas Scheuer)说,“测试结果表示所有的货车都能降低我们所允许的噪音限制,节约能源。铁路货物运输在将来将变得更加安静、更加节能和更加经济。此举增加了铁路货物运输量,提高公众对铁路货物运输的认可度,意义重大。”
The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (BMVI) is contributing €18m towards the two year, which was launched in October 2016, while DB Cargo and VTG are bearing the €6m procurement costs for the freight wagons and components themselves. DB says the remaining test runs will show whether the developments also pass the practical test from an economic point of view.
Source: http://www.railjournal.com/index.php/freight/db-vtg-publish-innovative-freight-wagon-interim-report.html?channel=527
International Railway Journal