March 15, Qidong jiangsu
又一个铸就“制造强国”梦想的“重器” 在这里横空出世、惊艳世界。
Another heavy machine for the dream of making great power renounces the world splendidly.
By the morning of March 15, cosco shipping heavy industry, Nantong cosco shipping/qidong cosco shipping designed and built the world's first system of deep-sea Marine dynamic positioning turn crude oil barge (N697 - CTV) for the naming and delivery ceremony.
The project is the basic design, detailed design and production design from Nantong cosco shipping/Qidong cosco.
全船总长90 米、宽度20 米、设计航速13节、入DNV-GL 船级社,生活区可供36 人居住。有4 台可变速柴油机,2 台主推进器,配有全回转伸缩推进器以及艏侧推进器,可提供强大的动力定位,便于大型油轮定位在安全作业的海域内,可将FPSO上的原油快速安全地转驳到常规油轮。全船采用可变速柴油机、直流电站系统等国际海事前沿新技术,具有低能耗、低排放等诸多优点,可显著提高燃油经济性、有效降低排放。直流电站系统也是未来船舶和海工建造的主流发展方向。
The total length of the ship is 90 meters, width 20 meters, design speed 13 knots, and enter DNV-GL classification society, and living area can accommodate 36 people. Four variable speed diesel engine, the two main propulsion, equipped with rotary telescopic and fore side thrusters, can provide powerful dynamic positioning, is advantageous for the large oil tanker positioning within the safe operation of waters, FPSO crude oil on the fast train can be safely diverted to conventional oil tankers. Ship adopts the variable speed diesel engine, DC power system and other international maritime frontier technology, having low energy consumption, low emissions, and many other advantages, significantly improving fuel economy and reducing emissions. The DC power station system is also the mainstream development direction of future ships and Marine construction.
Sealoading公司总裁施麦德先生、技术总监Kåre Syvertsen先生等船东方代表,南通市相关部门的领导,中远海运重工经营中心相关领导出席命名仪式。
The ship Oriental representatives: Mr. Schmed, President of Sealoading's and technical director Mr. Kåre Syvertsen, leaders of relevant departments in Nantong city, and relevant leaders in COSCO Shipping Industry Management Center attended the naming ceremony.
The project is named after delivery of Nantong COSCO/ COSCO Qidong marine shipping route, to the high-tech fields, to high-end international ocean engineering market into another gratifying results, encouraging enterprises under the policy guidance of the new concept of development and construction of science and technology, manufacturing power, marine power, and striving to achieve a greater breakthrough. More and better marine engineering and related products Design with independent intellectual property rights will be designed, built and delivered.
2018-03-16 16:02:41 来源:交通界