How to Build a Robust Railway
As the world’s number one overland transport system, trains are routinely expected to deliver safety, efficiency and comfort for passengers and goods. Supporting the sector, ISO standards for railways will help to make rail travel the preferred choice for the future.
Safety, security, convenience and the passenger experience have long been priorities of the railway sector, and looking forward, it is expected for this to continue. It goes without saying that security and the role of technology in keeping passengers safe will continue to be a big issue. This is particularly true when it comes to earthquakes.
ISOfocus interviewed Roberto Previati, who is pioneering this work in technical committee ISO/TC 269, Railway applications, subcommittee SC 3, Operations and services, as its Chair, to discuss why railway is getting it right with new earthquake-resistant standards.
《ISO焦点》采访了ISO/TC 269“铁路应用”技术委员会,SC 3“运营和服务”分委员会主席罗伯托·普雷维亚蒂,讨论为什么铁路能通过新的抗震标准取得成功。

Seismic equipment of a railway bridge.
Q1. What improvements are being implemented to increase railway safety and efficiency, for instance during an earthquake? (ISOfocus)
Q1. 在提高铁路的安全性和效率方面,例如在地震期间,采取了哪些改进措施?(《ISO焦点》)
Roberto Previati:It is worth reminding that earthquakes affect all modes of transport, but most notably railway service networks. With the United Nations-sponsored Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program, an international project was designed to help countries prepare for future earthquakes and take steps to mitigate potential damage and reduce injury and deaths. For the first time, we were able to assemble a consistent worldwide map of earthquake zones. Assembled by a team of scientists, it provides the “magnitude” of the earthquake issue that many countries face all over the world.
How to address an earthquake has always been a major concern for the railway system. In fact, the subject has long been on the rail radar in ISO/TC 269 for railway applications, but it became centre stage when a new work item proposal (NWIP) on earthquake risk assessment was submitted by JISC, ISO’s member for Japan. Designed to help and support the rail network and its stakeholders, including authorities, infrastructure managers and railway supervisors, the standard, which was published earlier this year, gives a set of procedures to ensure that all the risks, during and after an earthquake-shaking occurrence, have been considered, assessed and mitigated.
如何应对地震一直是铁路系统非常关心的问题。事实上,这个议题早已在ISO/TC 269“铁路应用”技术委员会引起了广泛关注,但当ISO的成员日本工业标准调查会(JISC)提交了一份关于地震风险评估的新工作项目提案(NWIP)时,这一问题才成为焦点。该标准于今年初发布,旨在帮助和支持铁路网络及其利益相关者,包括相关当局、基础设施管理人员和铁路监管人员。同时,这一标准提供了一套程序,以确保地震发生期间和发生后的所有风险都能得到充分考虑、评估和缓解。
ISO 22888, Railway applications – Concepts and basic requirements for the planning of railway operation in the event of earthquakes, provides the means and basic requirements for planning railway operations in order to reduce the risks in the event of an earthquake. Its aim is to mitigate the adverse effects, including damages, injuries and fatalities, on train services, which results from adequate control of train running during a seismic incident, and to predict operations and reduction of downtime, both of which are facilitated by adequate inspection and early operation.
ISO 22888《铁路设施:地震时铁路运营规划的概念和基本要求》规定了铁路运营规划的概念和基本要求,以降低地震的风险。其目的是通过地震期间充分控制列车以减轻对列车服务造成的损坏、伤害和死亡等不利影响,同时通过充分的检查和早期操作来预测运营情况并减少停机时间。