China-made driverless trains enter service in Istanbul’s new metro line

A new metro line connecting central Istanbul and the city’s new international airport officially opened to the public on Sunday, featuring China-made automated driverless trains that could run up to 120 kilometers per hour.
“This 800,000 daily capacity metro line will allow travel from Kagithane Station to Istanbul Airport in 24 minutes,” said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the opening ceremony.
土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)在剪彩仪式上表示,有了这条日运量为 8万人次的地铁线,人们从卡吉萨内站到伊斯坦布尔机场只需不到24分钟。
The fully-automated, driverless trains were built by Chinese company CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. (CRRC ZELC), which signed a purchase and commissioning contract with Türkiye’s Directorate-General of Infrastructure Investments back in January 2020.
全自动无人驾驶列车由中国中车株洲电力机车有限公司(CRRC ZELC)制造。早在2020年1月,该公司就与土耳其基础设施投资总局签署了购买和调试合同。
The 34-kilometer metro line between Kagithane Station in central Istanbul and the city’s new international airport boasts Türkiye’s fastest trains, and the vehicles running the line are China’s first 120km/h automated driverless metro project for overseas markets, according to CRRC ZELC.
The contract was for 176 subway cars and required a 60 percent localization rate in Türkiye.
Haluk Oguz, a management specialist at CRRC ZELC’s subsidiary in Türkiye, told Xinhua that they have delivered 40 vehicles. “Work on the other 136 is ongoing,” he said, adding “they will be manufactured at our factory in Ankara.”
中车株机土耳其子公司管理专家哈鲁克·奥古兹(Haluk Oguz)告诉新华社,目前40辆列车已完成交付。“其他136辆正在制造中,”他补充说,“它们将在我们位于安卡拉的工厂生产。”
Faruk Bostanci, administrative affairs chief at CRRC Türkiye, said that “new additions (to the line), which will be made as manufacturing continues, will increase the train frequency and provide a faster, more convenient transportation network for Istanbul residents.”
中车株机土耳其子公司的行政主管法鲁克·博斯坦奇(Faruk Bostanci)表示,“随着制造持续进行,新增加的线路将增加列车车次,这将为伊斯坦布尔居民提供更快、更便捷的交通网络。”
After trying out the train, Istanbul resident Emirhan Ersoy praised the new vehicles. “Both the heating system and the visual screens are very nice, and the sound system works very well,” he said, adding that the high capacity of the cabins was another point of distinction.
在试用了这列地铁列车后,伊斯坦布尔居民埃米尔汉·埃尔索伊 (Emirhan Ersoy) 对它赞不绝口:“暖气系统和可视屏幕都非常棒,音响系统也运行得很好”。“另外客舱的大容量也是该列车的显著特点。”他补充道。
The vehicles operate in a 4-car formation with a maximum capacity of 1,100 passengers. The exterior of the trains is decorated with Turkish cultural elements such as tulip motifs.
这些列车将以4节车厢为一组编队运行,最多可容纳 1,100 名乘客。列车外部饰有郁金香图案等土耳其文化元素。
Yalcin Eyigun, general manager of the Directorate-General of Infrastructure Investments at Turkish Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry, praised the Chinese partner for overcoming all kinds of difficulties during the project despite the COVID-19 pandemic-related setbacks.
土耳其交通和基础设施部基础设施投资总局总经理亚尔金·埃尤金(Yalcin Eyigun)称赞中国的合作伙伴即使遭遇了新冠疫情带来的冲击仍迎难而上,在项目中成功克服了诸多困难。
Over the past decade, CRRC ZELC has supplied more than 400 metro vehicles to Türkiye, which are now operating in its three largest cities, namely Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir.
Zhou Qinghe, chairman of CRRC ZELC, said that his company is willing to strengthen cooperation with Türkiye and write new chapters of “shared growth through discussion and collaboration.”
China-made driverless trains debut on Istanbul's new metro line - CGTN