
A frame camera shooting 20 images a second supplies data at 50-millisecond intervals. Event cameras, unconstrained by such a fixed timetable, can respond in microseconds. Davide Scaramuzza, director of the Robotics and Perception Group at the University of Zurich, has, like Dr de Croon, been working with event cameras mounted on drones. Collision-detection cameras usually take 50-200 milliseconds to react. His team used an event camera to cut this below four milliseconds, enabling faster manoeuvring whilst avoiding obstacles.
Response time is equally important for self-driving cars. Dr Scaramuzza's team are working on event cameras for this application with what he terms a “top-tier” company in the automotive sector. Event cameras bring benefits besides speed. Frame-based moving-picture cameras capture redundant information, such as areas of unchanging blue sky. To avoid wasting disk space and bandwidth, images taken this way are often compressed by special software, such as MPEG, for storage or transmission. But event-camera images do not require compression. According to Dr Scaramuzza, they are about 40 times as efficient in this respect as frame cameras.
On top of that, event cameras are practically immune to motion blur. Capturing images of speeding bullets is no problem, and they can film the hare and the tortoise at the same time with equal clarity. They could thus solve the perennial problem of extracting unblurred stills from closed-circuit television feeds. Yet another advantage of event cameras is that they cope easily with bright and dim lighting in a single image. A frame camera on a self-driving car might miss a pedestrian in a shadow beside a well-lit street-with disastrous consequences. An event camera will catch the slightest movement, even in deep shade.
These benefits make event cameras attractive, but they are still fairly new and unknown. The first commercial examples, which appeared in 2014, had a resolution of just 100x100 pixels. Versions branded as “high resolution” appeared in 2019, but all things are relative. The 640x480 pixel resolution of these machines matches that of Apple’s QuickTake camera of 1994. Something closer to real high resolution may be coming soon, though. Both Samsung and Sony are working on event cameras for the mass market. Sony's will have a recording field measuring 1,280x720 pixels.
虽然这些优点使得事件相机颇受瞩目,但它们还处于全新和未知的领域。2004年面世的首批商用产品的分辨率仅为100X100像素,而五年后,以“高分辨率”著称的相机便应运而生。但一切都是相对的——这些640×480像素的相机只能和苹果1994年上架的QuickTake 相匹敌。不过,接近真正高分辨率的产品也许不久就会问世。三星和索尼都在研究面向大众市场的事件相机。索尼的相机将有一个1280×720像素的记录视野。