CPEC Provides Opportunities for Pakistan to Strengthen Connectivity, National Economy: Expert
ISLAMABAD -- The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been providing multifaceted opportunities for Pakistan to further enhance regional connectivity and the national economy, a Pakistani expert said on Thursday.

To exploit the full potential of CPEC, Pakistan will have to build reliable and efficient avenues of connectivity on the principle of win-win cooperation, as with every step of industrialization and rapid economic growth the need for connectivity multiplies, Zahid Latif Khan, chairman of Asian Institute of Eco-civilization Research and Development, said at a seminar on CPEC here.
扎希德•拉蒂夫•汗(Zahid Latif Khan)是亚洲生态文明研究与发展研究所的主席,他在中巴经济走廊的研讨会上表示,随着工业化进程的加快和经济的快速发展,互联互通的需求也在不断增加。为了充分发挥中巴经济走廊的潜力,巴基斯坦必须本着合作共赢的宗旨,建设可靠、高效的互联互通渠道。
“There is no second opinion that CPEC is going well and contributing to the economic growth and development of Pakistan. The recently held 10th Joint Cooperation Committee meeting between China and Pakistan has given a new impetus to the work and cooperation in the fields of industry, renewable energy and transportation. The connectivity is observing a new vigor,” he said.
扎希德•拉蒂夫•汗(Zahid Latif Khan)认为,“所有人都认为中巴经济走廊发展顺利,为巴基斯坦的经济增长和发展做出了贡献。比如,不久前举行的中巴联合合作委员会第十次会议,就在工业、可再生能源、交通运输等领域的工作与合作为双方注入了新的动力。可见,互联互通正呈现出新的活力。”
Being part of CPEC, which is a flagship project of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, Pakistan can benefit from the experience of China, he said, adding that “Pakistan can work on connectivity strategy and tag it with industrial development and modernization of economy under CPEC.”
The expert also highlighted the need of devising a connectivity policy, which can help Pakistan and partner countries boost trade and attract foreign direct investment and place them at the prime place in the global supply chain.
来源:China Daily