11月 6日,中国铁路昆明局集团有限公司(下称:“昆明局集团公司”)为助力乡村振兴,促进脱贫地区可持续发展,而特别设立的火车站——大(理)临(沧)铁路小湾东站正式开通运营,30多万群众生产、生活因此受益。
The Xiaowandong Railway Station of The Da(Li) Lin(Cang) Railway opened officially on November 6. It was set up by China Railway Kunming Group Co., LTD. (herein after referred to as: Kunming Group Co., LTD.) to promote rural revitalization and enhance sustainable development of poverty-stricken areas, benefiting more than 300,000 people in production and their lives.

小湾东站位于云南省大理州南涧县小湾东镇澜沧江江畔,距离南涧县城 80多公里,镇政府所在地 7 公里,是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果,有效衔接乡村振兴,在全国铁路开通运营的线路上,特别新建设立的火车站。每天从昆明、丽江、临沧方向始发的 4 趟动车在这里停靠。车站建成开通,可极大压缩时空距离,改善当地的出行条件,激活周边地区与外界的客流、物流交换,促进脱贫地区内生可持续发展,助力乡村振兴,推动共同富裕。
The Xiaowandong Railway Station is located by the bank of Lancang River, Xiaowandong Town, Nanjian County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, over 80 kilometers away from Nanjian County and 7 kilometers from the town government. This station is designed on the lines of all national railways for consolidating poverty alleviation achievements and encouraging rural revitalization. Four bullet trains from Kunming, Lijiang and Lincang stop here every day. The operation of the station reduces space-time distance dramatically and improves local travel conditions, unleashes the passenger flow and logistics exchange between the surrounding areas and the outside world. As a result, it will promote endogenous sustainable development in poverty-stricken areas and encourage rural revitalization to achieve common prosperity.