On the afternoon of August 17th, the first Sino-European train from Changsha to Tilburg, loaded with 41 containers, depart from the Changshabei Railway Station, which is Changsha Freight Center. It will travel more than 10,000 kilometers from south to north passing through Mongolia, Russia and Belarus. After 17 days, goods marked “Made in Hunan” will be delivered to Netherlands. Andrei Tunkich, the first deputy chief executive of the Russian Railway Logistics Co., Ltd., went to the scene to congratulate the new railway line. He said that the Sino-European train is of great significance for further strengthening the economic exchange between China and Europe.
中欧班列长沙至蒂尔堡班列是长沙地区继至汉堡、华沙、莫斯科、塔什干、明斯克、布达佩斯后开行的第七条中欧班列线路, 截至2017年底长沙地区累计开行班列320列,进出口货物2.6万标箱,总货值13亿美元。
This line from Changsha to Tilburg is the seventh Sino-European railway line following lines from Changsha to Hamburg, Warsaw, Moscow, Tashkent, Minsk and Budapest.By the end of 2017, there were a total of 320 trains depart from Changsha, and 26,000 tons of import and export goods, with a total value of 1.3 billion US dollars.
China will focus on strengthening quality and service of those trains, ensuring progress while maintaining stability, improving quality of service and enriching the brand connotation of Sino-European trains.

来源:人民铁道网 记者:朱进军