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时间:2018-03-18 00:00:00  作者:交通与工程应用翻译研究中心(陆秀英)  点击:


Tongling Station of Yangtse MSA Implements Information-Base Inspection of the First Quarter 2018


To guarantee normal operation of modern inspection and network system, tongling station of Yangtse MSA organizes and implements inspection of the first quarter 2018 according to superior work arrangement. Tongling station of Yangtse MSA attaches high importance to this inspection and formulates detailed inspection plans and demands high standards to technical staff.


        On March 8, technical staff of tongling station of Yangtse MSA go to hengggang and huangxingwei law enforcement unit for inspection. When arrive at sites, they check out equipment operation, test the quality of network linking and isolation between intranet and extranet and clean equipment cabinet. They solve some problems such as no image of anti -corruption monitor and computer settings of henggang law enforcement unit repair the AIS hand shank of cruiser of huangxingwei law enforcement unit.


        Next, tongling station of Yangtse MSA is about to implement inspection in other stations under administration and further safeguard stable operation of information devices.


