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时间:2019-04-23 00:00:00  作者:交通与工程应用翻译研究中心  点击:

铁路;铁道railway railroad

铁路线railway linerailroad line

铁路网railway networkrailroad network

铁道科学railway science

铁路技术railway technology

铁路等级railway classification

国有铁路national railwaystate railway

地方铁路local railwayregional railway

私有铁路private railway

合资铁路joint investment railwayjointly owned railway

标准轨铁路standard-gage railway

窄轨铁路narrow-gage railway

米轨铁路meter-gage railway

宽轨铁路broad-gage railway

单线铁路single track railway

双线铁路double track railway

多线铁路multiple track railway

重载铁路heavy haul railway

高速铁路high speed railway

电气化铁路;电力铁路electrified railwayelectric railway

干线铁路main line railwaytrunk railway

市郊铁路suburban railway

地下铁道;地铁subwaymetrounderground railway

工业企业铁路industry railway

矿山铁路mine railway

轻轨铁路light railwaylight rail

高架铁路elevated railway

单轨铁路;独轨铁路monorailmonorail railway

磁浮铁路magnetic levitation railwaymaglev

森林铁路forest railway

山区铁路mountain railway

既有铁路existing railway

新建铁路newly-built railway

改建铁路reconstructed railway

运营铁路railway in operationoperationoperating railway

专用铁路special purpose railway

干线trunk linemain line

支线branch line

铁路专用线railway special line

货运专线railway line for freight trafficfreight special linefreight traffic only line

客运专线railway line for passenger trafficpassenger special linepassenger traffic only line

客货运混合铁路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic

铁路运营长度;运营里程operation length of railwayoperating distancerevenue length

列车运行图train diagram

铁路建筑长度construction length of railway



轨距rail gagerail gauge

轮重wheel load

轴重axle load

最大轴重maximum allowable axle load

限制轴重axle load limited


限界图clearance diagram

铁路建筑限界railway construction clearancestructure clearance for railwayrailway struction gauge

基本建筑限界fundamental construction clearancefundamental structure gauge

桥梁建筑限界bridge construction clearancebridge structure gauge

隧道建筑界限tunnel construction clearancetunnel structure gauge

铁路机车车辆限界rolling stock clearance for railwayvehicle gauge

机车车辆上部限界clearance limit for upper part of rolling stock

机车车辆下部限界clearance limit for lower part of rolling stock

装载限界loading clearance limitloading gauge

阔大货物限界clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimensionclearance limit for oversize commodities

接触网限界clearance limt for overhead contract wireclearance limit for overhead catenary systemoverhead catenary system gauge

列车与线路相互作用track-train interaction

轮轨关系wheel-rail relationwheel-rail interaction

粘着系数adhesion coefficient

车轮滑行wheel slidingwheel skid

车轮空转wheel slipping

牵引种类kinds of tractioncategory of traction

牵引方式mode of traction

牵引定数tonnage ratingtonnage of traction

装载系数loading coefficient


持续速度continuous speed

限制速度limited speedspeed restriction

斜撑桅杆式架梁起重机cross stay derrick girder erecting machine

全回转式架梁起重机full circle girderr erecting crane

双悬臂式架桥机double cantilever girder-erecting machine

单梁式架桥机single beam girder-erecting machine

双梁式架桥机double beam girder-erecting machine

组拼式架桥机assembly type girer-erecting machine

造桥机bridge fabrication machine

工程船舶engineering shipengineering vessel

舟桥bateau bridge

浮箱floating boxpontoon

万能杆件fabricated universal steel members


组合钢模板combined steel formwork

滑动模板slip form

爬升模板climbing shuttering

砌拱支架;碗扣式脚手架soffit scaffolding

风镐air pickpneumatic pick

凿岩台车;钻孔台车rock drilling jumbo

立爪式装岩机vertical claw rock loader

蟹爪式装岩机crab rock loader

梭式矿车shutter car

槽式列车bunker train

电瓶车storage battery car

斗车bucker loader

大型矿车large scale ore car

装岩机rock loader

干喷混凝土机dry shotcreting machine

湿喷混凝土机wet shotcreting machine

半湿喷混凝土机half wet shotcreting machine

喷射混凝土机械手shotcrete manipulator

风动凿岩机pneumatic rock drill

手持式凿岩机portable rock drilljack hammer

通风机ventilating setventilating machineventilator

注浆机grouting machinegrouter

注浆泵grouting pumpinjection pump

隧道衬砌模板台车working jumbo for tunnel liningtunnelling shutter jumbo for tunnel lining

隧道掘进机tunnel boring machineTBM


接触网架线车installation vehicle for contact wire

接触网作业车operation vehicle for contract wire

自卸汽车dumping truck

斗式提升机bucket elevator

安全技术措施safety techincal measures

安全教育safety education

事故报告accident report

灾害性地质disaster geology

突泥projecting mud soil

突水gushing water

冒顶roof fall

岩爆rock burst

瓦斯突出gas projection

瓦斯浓度gas densitygas consistency

掏底开挖;挖神仙土cut the vertical earthwork bottom

施工防护construction protection

线路封锁track blockadeclosure of tracktraffic interruption

防护音响信号protecting acoustic signal

覆盖防护covered protection

近体防护nearby protection

安全标志safety marksafety symbolsafety indicator

停车防护stopping train protectionstanding train protection

安全距离safety distance

人员掩蔽所hiding-place for personnel

待遇所refuge place

安全地点safety place

安全帽safety capsafety helmet

安全绳safety rope safety strap

安全网safety net

保险带safety belt

安全梯emergency staircasefire escape

防护栏杆protecction railing

安全用电safety in utilizing electric energy

安全电压safety voltage

消防设施fire-fighting equipment

防火门fire protection gate

消防器材fire-fighting apparatus and materials

隔火带fire protection strip

防火净距fire protection distance

瓦斯治理gas control

安全炸药safety explosionexplosive chargesafety explosive

湿式凿岩wet boring for rockwet drilling for rock

防尘dust preventiondust control

防滑鞋antiskid shoe

绝缘鞋insulant shoe

防坠器falling protector

阻车器stop device

安全装置safety devicesafety equipment

救生设施lifesaving appliance

防雷装置lighting protection device

保护地线protective earth wire

保护接地protective grounding

触电保安器electric shock protector

防爆设施blasting protection facilities

质量管理quality management

质量保证quality assurance

质量控制quality control

质量体系quality system

质量监督quality surperintendencequality surveillance

工程质量检验inspection of engineering quality

隐蔽工程检查hidden project inspection

取样试验检查sampling inspection

自测visual measurementvisual observation


仪器检查inspect by instrument

全验overall acceptance

抽验selective acceptance

工程质量评定evaluation of engineering quality

工程质量验收acceptance of engineerying quality

随工验收acceptance following constructionfollow-up acceptance

中间验收intermediate acceptance

缺陷工程defect projectdrawback project

合格工程qualified project

样板工程sample project

优质工程;优良工程high grade projecthigh quality project

施工验收delivery-receiving acceptance

工务段track divisiontrack districttrack maintenance division

养路领工区track subdivisiontrack maintenance subdivision

养路工区track maintenance sectionpermanent way gang

养路领工员track mastertrack supervisor

养路工长track foreman

养路工trackmanmachine operatortrack machanics

巡道工track walkertrack patrolling man

道口看守工grade crossing watchmanlevel crossing watchman

桥隧巡守工bridge and tunnel watchmanbridge and tunnel patrolling man


轨道类型classification of tracktrack standard

轨道结构track structure

有碴轨道ballasted track

无碴轨道ballastless track

线路trackpermanent way

有缝线路jointed track

无缝线路continuously welded rail trackjointless track

长轨线路long welded rail track

轨排track paneltrack skeleton

轨节rail link

长轨条long rail string

轨道几何形位track geometry

轨距加宽gauge widening

螺旋曲线spiral curve clothold curve

三次抛物线曲线cubic parabola curve

曲线超高superelevation cantelevation of curve

欠超高deficient superlevation

过超高surplus superelevationexcess elevation

反超高reverse superelevationcounter superelevationnegative superelevation

未本平衡离心加速度unbalaned cenrifugal acceleraion

曲线正矢curve versine

轨道力学track mechanics

轨道动力学track dynamics

轨道强度计算track strength analysis

轨道几何状态恶化track deterioration

轨道失效track failure

轨道框架刚度rigidity of track panel

道床系数ballast coefficientballast modulus

钢轨基础模量rail supporting modulus track moulus

钢轨支点弹性模量modulus of elasticity of rail support

轨道应力track stresses

轨道稳定性stability of track

接头阻力joint resistance

道床阻力ballast resistance

扣件扣压力toe load of fastening

/轨接触应力rail/wheel contact stress


轨头rail head

轨腰rail web

轨底rail baserail bottom

淬火轨head hardened rail quenched rail

合金轨alloy steel rail

合金淬火轨head hardened alloy steel rail quenched alloy

耐磨轨wear resistant rail

耐腐蚀轨corrosion resistant rail

标准长度钢轨standard length rail

短轨short rail

缩短轨standardshortened rail fabricated short rail used on curvessandard curtailed rail

异形轨compromise rail

护轨guard railcheck rail

轨底坡rail cant

钢轨工作边gage line

轨缝;接头缝rail gapjoint gap

构造轨缝structural joint gap maximum joint gap structurally obtainable

钢轨接头rail joint

相对接头opposite joint square joint

相错式接头;相互式接头alternate joint staggered joint broken joint

垫接接头;承接接头supported joint

悬接接头suspended joint

绝缘接头insulated joint

胶结绝缘接头glued insulated joint

焊接接头welded joint

冻结接头frozen joint

异形接头compromise joint

钢轨伸缩调节器;温度调节器expansion rail jointrail expansion deviceswith expansion joint

接头联结零件rail joint accessories rail joint fastenings

接头夹板;鱼尾板joint bar splice bar fish plate

平型双头夹板flat joint bar

轨头地面接触夹板;锲型接头夹板head contact flat joint bar

轨腹上圆弧接触夹板;铰型接头夹板head free flat joint bar

带裙鱼尾板aproned fish platefish plate with apron

异型接头夹板compromise joint bar

接头螺栓;鱼尾螺栓track blolt fish bolt

钩螺栓claw bolt hook bolt anchor bolt

扣件; 中间联结零件rail fastening

分开式扣件separated rail fastening indirect holding fastening

不分开式扣件nonseparated rail fastening direct holding fastening

半分开式扣件semi-separaed rail fastening mixed holding fastening

弹性扣件elasic rail fastening

道钉;狗头钉;钩头钉track spike rail spike dog spike

弹簧道钉elastic rail spike

螺纹道钉screw spike

螺栓螺纹钉bolt-screw spike

硫磺锚固sulphur cement mortar anchor sulphur cement mortar anchorage

垫板tie plate

橡胶垫板;弹性垫板rubber tie plate


冻害垫板frost heave boardtrack shim for frost heaving roadbed frost shim

弹簧垫圈spring washer

防爬器anti-creeperrail anchor

穿销防爬器wedged rail anchor

弹簧防爬器spring rail anchor

防爬支撑anti-creep strut

轨撑rail brace

轨距杆gage tie bargage rod gage tie

绝缘轨距杆insulated gage rod

轨下基础sub-rail foundation sub-rail track bed

轨枕tiecross tie sleeper

宽混凝土轨枕;轨枕板broad concrete tie

纵向轨枕longitudinal tie


木枕;枕木wooden tie

油枕treated wooden tie

素枕untreated wooden tie

钢枕steel tie

混凝土枕concrete tie

岔枕switch tie turnout tie

短枕short tie block tie


道床ballast bed

整体道床solid bedintegrated ballast bedmonolithic concrete bed

沥青道床asphalt cemented ballast bed

道碴层;道碴床ballast layer

